
Save to slot:

Device Status:

Bytebeat Messages:

Serial Monitor:

Usage: Click "Connect to MTM Computer" and select "Pico" from the dialog box. Make sure you don't already have an open Serial connection (like the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE).

Set the MTM Computer's Z toggle switch is set to the middle position which enables the "user" bytebeat bank. Knob X changes between the 6 "user" formulas.

Enter your bytebeat formula. The variable p1 can be used and controlled with the Knob Y on the MTM Computer. The variable w can also be used and represented the bytebeat output. As this is used recursively, it can lead to some noisy/chaotic results.

After the formula is sent, it will immediately start playing on the Computer. To save a formula so it will always be available (even after the Computer is powered off), click on a save slot from 1-6. To wipe the slots completely, click "Clear All" and to load 6 nice sounding bytebeats into the user banks, click "Load Default Formulas".